Wednesday, September 19, 2018

September open mics and a Poet's Cruise

This week, September 20-- Open mic at the Midtown Scholar
Upcoming: September 25, Pride of the Susquehanna-- the 
Second Annual Poets' Cruise hits the water at 7pm.
September 27-- Open Mic at the Midtown Scholar

The Almost Uptown Poetry Cartel is pleased to be a sponsor for the Second Annual Poet's Cruise.
Come, set sail on the Pride of the Susquehanna, and enjoy an evening of poetry, in motion.  
Harrisburg’s current poet laureate, Rick Kearns, will introduce Harrisburg’s original poet laureate, Gene Hosey. Christine O’Leary-Rockey will also be featured. 
There will also be an open mic for readers who sign up prior to the 7pm departure.
Harrisburg school board director, Carrie Fowler, will be aboard The Pride collecting journals, notebooks, and dictionaries for young, aspiring writers and poets of Harrisburg city schools. Attendees are encouraged to donate to this wonderful cause. 
Adult beverages will be available, this is a 21+ event. 
This event will commence at 6:00pm-9:00pm on Tuesday, September 25th, 2018. The boat will be docked from 6:00pm-7:00pm and then set sail, returning at 9. Tickets are $10 in advance, $15 at the dock.

The Midtown Scholar Bookstore
Coming in October, the renowned Maria James Thiaw will be featured performer at the Scholar on October 4. All events at the Midtown Scholar, 1302 N. Third Street, run from 7 to 9pm.

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Stunning Lost Alphabet book, dra ihop Aztek glypher, After the Aughts, Marty Esworthy

A cascade of world lyrics.
Former noise-band gonzo, founder of the
New East Coast Literary Wave, Marty
Esworthy captures verbo-viz in a bottle
in a captivating new tome.

After the Aughts merges
graphics and poetry
to conjure illuminating non-sense
for a new millennium.
John Catalano, Marty Esworthy performing on the 2018 Lost Alphabet summer promotional tour.
Truly a requirement for any modern aesthete's
library. Esworthy's words come alive like
few versifiers. This poetry, coupled 
with esoteric and vibrant art, delivers a
tour-de-force of the human experience.
New world, new look.
Marty Esworthy and Erika Eberly, on the road for After the Aughts
In twenty years, all-- well, most poetry books
will look like this:
Going from "Fer Chrissake, Just 'Cos You
Don't Dream in Colour
Doesn't Mean We Can't Be Friends!"
to "Istanbul Not" will take you
backwards through half the book and
forward through life, and
I really don't think that I can recommend
any better way
to enjoy this art than to simply hold it close
and let the eyes wander gleefully.
Life is for the living.
Lost Alphabet Press, 2018.
